I never understood this becoming a fashion. Not with having worked with my Dad since 1980 or so and watching construction workers walking around, crouching, and hanging from rafters and all the while there were butt cracks or boxers or even briefs showing above the waistline. Honestly those guys should get some royalties or something since they were on the leading edge of baggy pant fashion. I remember once when I was starting to notice "men" and I was there working for Dad. I was working on something, heard someone above and behind me, and turned around just in time to see a very large hairy butt crack staring me in the face as a guy dropped down from the rafters above. Not the most pleasant sight. Disconcerting to say the least.
Hubby and I find this somewhat amusing. We'll be walking through the store behind a couple of cocky kids with the pants hanging down and one or the other of us will whisper "Wonder what they'd do if I gave those pants a jerk down?" One of these days I just may do it.
As far as I know it's not supposed to be "In" anymore. Definately "Out."
Could it be that the woman was acting non-chalant about it on purpose but was inwardly squirming? That would be what I'd do.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.