Originally Posted by Seaver
Just have the SS age situate for common age of death. When enacted, people rarely lived 10 years past retirement... they now routinely live up to 50 years past.
So just have the healthier elderly continue to work. Honestly, who retires permanently in their 40s?
Am I missing something? Retirement age is 65. Add 50 years to that, you get...115. I don't know that enough people atain that age to call it routine.
Damn few people retire in their 40's. Unless they've made some very lucerative investments when they were younger. Personally...I don't know of
anyone in their 40's that are retired. I do know a few in their 50's, but that's because they were laid off, and have foundit difficult, due to their age, to get on board somewhere else. Retirement wasn't a choice for them. Plus, Social Security doesn't kick in until age 65.