hmmmm... this sounds familiar, only I could have sworn I heard this in reverse from the generation above me. I too am a child of the 80's and am appalled by the state of the youth of today, but then when I was their age all I heard around me was talk of slipping standards of education compared to the strict 60's style of teaching.
We all look to our own youth through rose tinted glassess and whilst the media will always find stories of education standards plummeting and violence in the youth culture sell, stories about how wonderful everything is don't. As for the tv programme argument, the schedules aren't arranged for you to see kids educational programmes - they are still made. I believe what you are noticing is that you have grown up and another generation below you has created a culture you are not part of. To say we were created to rule them is insultingly egosistical.
y'see in my day.......