Originally Posted by Dragonlich
The best part is the fact that you actually *want* to play the game again after winning; I played a fighter-type vampire the first time, and am now playing as a Malkavian girl. It is so incredibly funny to see the dialog go from normal talk to complete insanity for the Malkavians... (And yes, I play a girl. I like looking at that extremely fine piece of digital arse.)
Yes, it has a very high "replay" factor. I also played it first as a Brujah, very specialised at close combat (with his Fireaxe

Now I play a Malk Girl (very fine digital ass

) and use seduction an vision of death mostly. This time I aim for the anarch ending.
and after that....we will see, tremere perhaps
Originally Posted by Dragonlich
There is one mission where you have to escape an explosion with a boat. This action then leads to a crash.
There is a official patch and a inofficial patch that both solve this Problem.