There is no problem with retirement funding. There is no crisis. In 2018, when SS no longer receives as much in funding as it pays out in benefits, it will remain solvent by dipping into the bonds that were established for this exact purpose about 20 years ago. This was a measure Reagan instituted, and as much as I dislike him, I have at admit that he was very prudent on this issue. This will leave SS solvent for at least 75 years, based on conservative estimates. SS is, in fact, one of the most extraordinarily succesful government social safety nets ever created.
Adding small amounts of money on top of current SS benefits - while ensuring no benefits are ever removed - to be saved, spent on the market, or whatnot is not a bad idea. In fact, done correctly it could help wise investors live with a little extra come retirement. Those who invest poorly will still be left with the levels of benefits that everyone receives now. Varieties of this plan have been discussed by Democrats and many Republicans for years, and would probably be a good thing.
But there is no crisis and no need to "fix" retirement funding.
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