Originally Posted by smooth
BTW, your last statement isn't accurate anymore. That's what the pundits were telling people all through the last decade. The panacea of mutual funds has now been skunked.
Not quite sure what you mean by that. Admittedly, I don't believe the mutual fund abuses are going to improve, but that can be addressed by selecting an index fund, as flstf suggests.
I'm not saying that you won't get more. I'm saying you need to weigh the risks before deciding if that more is worth it. If you are only going to obtain 25K to 35K more over the course of your lifetime, is that worth risking your entire retirement fund?
Depends on whether or not you anticipate the government being broke, and telling you, "You don't get ANY Social Security. You saved for your retirement all along, so we're going to give all of your Social Security payments to someone who didn't save a nickel."