Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
The fact that you do not agree with the way in which they interpret the meaning of this existence does not grant the ability to deny them "membership" to this exclusive club you'd apparently prefer that it be.
I'm pretty sure, no scratch that,
I'm absolutely sure that you have no idea what I do or don't agree with. I never once said that anyone should be denied anything. It's just a real shame that paranoia can't be overcome, and when somebody takes a non-traditional route, they are labeled the "inflammatory bad guy".
Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
And, on a completely seperate note, if you keep on making subtle flames and calling other members of the board asses (don't think I didn't notice), you'll find that your time here will become much less enjoyable or lengthy.
Speaking of exclusive clubs. I see now that it is OK for members of "the club" to make all kinds of backhanded digs (addressing someone's worth, condescending remarks about "behavior", etc), but if I make a play on
an age old saying about jumping to conclusions, I get threatened with discipline. Again not unexpected, but disappointing.