Hey Moon Dog:
I gotta tell you, I think Hooters just has pretty shitty service. I've been to 'em in Flordia (Pensacola), St. Louis (the one in the train station turned mall), Kalamazoo MI, and now the one on Broad St. in Columbus, OH.
In general, they suck.
Really. Suck.
The one in Kazoo was not bad, but it was still hit and miss.
Florida: VERY not busy, but the two chicks working were far too busy talking to this trio of guys at the bar to actually remember they're working. The 4 college guys got no service, and left no tips. F-that. I paid for my food, I didn't get any service to tip for.
St. Louis, VERY BUSY, and there weren't enough girls, or they just sucked. But everything took forerver. 5 mintues to get drink order in...looking good... but 15 minutes to get beer. Not looking so good. She has to brb to take our order, okay, they're busy, we get it. 20 goddamn minutes later, we're out of beer and have not ordered. New chick comes by, okay, our old chick had a big party taking all her time, and she's asked new chick to take care of us so we don't get screwed over too bad. Okay, she's trying...we'll play along.
We order food, we get another pitcher. Lookign better! Pitcher drains...no food......no chick.......pitcher gone.......no chick......no food......FOOD...CHICK!!
The food is right. The beer comes back.
And we never see her again until the bill. Then we can't get her to come back and TAKE THE DAMN PLASTIC so we can go.
Dinner at Hooters should not take damn near two hours for 4 guys. If you want it to, yes, but if you're just spending a lot of time waiting....come on!
The Columbus Hooters on Broad. Hm. The chick had tits. Bit un's. Apparently, she thought that was enough she didn't have to DO anything.
Dinner took forever. 1.5 hours for the 3 of us. Bullshizznit.
The food was wrong, didn't get fixed the first time. No drinks got refilled until I got up, walked over to her punk ass, and told her, "hey, we're waiting for you to come back. Have been for 10 minutes." Stupid blonde, "OMG I'm sooooo sorry I was busy" enused. Followed by refills and her never coming back until the bill.
I really think they just suck. I like thier food, but it's not supposed to be that much hassel.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."