Originally Posted by Tophat665
The other question I have is about a couple of labels I did for a canteloupe mead. I put nine melons in 5 gallons, so I ended up calling it Nine Melon Mead.
My original thought was to have three naked women with three boobies each, but my photoshopping chops weren't up to it, and I prefer to keep my labels PG13 or safer. I couldn't figure out how to draw a really convincing whole canteloupe. So here are two variations on sliced canteloupe. One is more finished than the other.
Good call on excluding the boobies Top. Can't be alienating any potential clients.
Number Two works for me here, bro. As a photographer, I'm a nut for depth of field, and I just love how you portrayed it here. I think finding three dimentions on a flat surface to be a wonderful artform in itself. The colors are perfect, and you even portray my old fiestaware dishes...
Good job man, now I'm getting thirsty!