Originally Posted by Dbass
I think it's a horrible idea, setting these books into a movie....part of its appeal is the idea that you are probably the only one who's read it for miles and probably the only one who would want to. It's horribly anti-Christian, I think we can just come out and say that, and it's just exciting.
This is is an excellent series and is about as much for children as LOTR, which is to say, not really made for kids. I bought it and read it with the intention of reading it to my son (who was 8 at the time) and after reading it myself felt that much of the nuance would be lost on him. A teenager would get a lot out of it...
As for it being anti-Christian... I wouldn't use the descriptor "horribly" and I would say it is anti-Catholic. Catholic as in the chuch and not just the Roman version of it...