Okay, I just read the actual sermon (at
http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=147&a=367498 for those of you who understands swedish) and I can't honestly say that Åke tried to rouse actions against homosexuals, except the usual "saving the sinners" stuff. He said that all these people living in sin might make God strike Sweden with earthquakes and floods and that you can't be both homosexual and christian.
The root of the issue is the tangled relations between the church and the state in Sweden. The short story is that the state can't accept that a religious organisation has different opinions than the state. We have freedom of religion, sure, as long as the religions are "sensible". Personally I think the Åke Green case is stupid, that Åke didn't break the law, and a lot of people in Sweden think the same.