Ok, next time this is what you do.
Ask to go get tested together. I know I know, "but I'm a virgin". Look this isnt about you, it's about making her feel ok with it. You nagging her to get tested was basically calling her a whore. Her swallowing with 5 guys and you saying "that's a whole nother story" is saying you probably did that that time... everything but calling her a whore.
Think of getting your girl to work out more. If you just say "I want you to go work out more often".. you're calling her fat. If you say "We should go work out more" you make it into a together opportunity which will make your bonds stronger.
Getting her to be tested is nothing strange. It's just a VERY touchy subject. Learn a little more tact when dealing with the opposite sex, a twist of words makes ALL the difference.