Originally Posted by fallsauce
So my question is, is this the norm? Or is it just the way adults think how it's like these days?
People like to demonize anything they can, AND they LOVE to stereotype and use exaggeration while doing it.
1. Being horny is part of being a teenager. It's when your hormones kick in, puberty starts up, etc. Anyone who tells me "all teenagers are horny" will get a resounding "fuck you" from me, as this is a stupid comment to make. Of course they are. It's that part of their biological life cycle. If people didn't get horny in their teens, the world would be a much different place. Also: just because people in the current "teens" phase are more in touch and open about their sexuality doens't mean they're all whores. I've known many who enjoy sex for what it is, but are careful, protect themselves, and know the consequences of their actions. The rest are uninformed or rebellious anyhow. You can't save those who don't want to be saved.
2. There's not one generation of children that was free of shoplifters. They're just easier to catch now.
3. There's not been one generation of children that was free of drugs for quite some time, and I know for a fact that there are VERY many adults "dabbling in drugs" to balance out the "teens".
4. Vandalizing property is something asshole kids do. You raise your kid wrong, they get in the wrong crowd, you know the drill. Kids dare each other, there's machismo, peer pressure, and just plain-old stupid posturing. "I stole/broke this, I am so cool."