Originally Posted by daswig
Then they're going about it in a piss-poor manner. The end result is most likely going to be a Constitutional Amendment which will bar what you see as full equality, and the vast majority of the country sees as special privilege. FYI: Constitutional Amendments are AUTOMATICALLY Constitutional upon ratification, and therefore are not subject to being overturned by the Courts.
I'm not doing anything about it really besides talking to people about it. When and if the time comes for me to vote for the person that agrees with sexual prefrence equality or what have you, I'll vote for it. I'm a little ashamed to say I've done nothing more than talk. Honestly, I'm politically exhausted after the election.
Originally Posted by daswig
But you keep seeming to miss the point of WHY you can't marry property. Marriage, as we're talking about in this case, is a statutorily defined artifice. Under current law, it's illegal for a same sex couple to marry, correct? At the same time, under current law, it's illegal for a human to marry a dog, right? These are both things which are EXPLICITLY spelled out in the code. The ONLY thing preventing ANY form of marriage which is currently illegal is the fact that the specific type of marriage IS ILLEGAL. Remove the statutory barrier, and it become legal. You say "Remove this barrier, but leave that barrier intact." WHY?
Becuase of my specific ethics. Somehow I don't see keeping gay people from marriage as being ethical. This ultimately boils down to your individual, personal view of what is or isn't socially acceptable. I'm not sure if the norm will ever side with me on this, but I hope they do. They are hurting a lot of good, honest people out there who's only crime who they fell in love with. That bothers me.
Originally Posted by daswig
So you're saying that what makes a marriage is the ability to RAISE a child? Really? Are you SURE you want to stick with that?
No, a dog cannot be a parent. You asked about adoption. As far as procreation, biologically it won't work. A dog can't be a parent, so adoption is out. As far as marriage:
Whatever you think seperate marriage from any other kind of relationship can be used to explain why dogs can't be brides or grooms. If you think a marriage deals with soul mates, the bible asys animals don't have souls. If you think it's about procreation...well that won't work. If you think it's financial, dogs cannot own property or have a job where the dog makes money. Any money made by the dog is the owners by right. You get the idea.
Originally Posted by daswig
Sorry, it's illegal almost everywhere REGARDLESS of if consent is given while the person is alive.
We were speaking hypothetically. If, hypothetically, it was not illegal...etc. (reread the response with that in mind)