Meanwhile, Richard Ostergaard, father of Taylor, got a restraining order against Young's husband, Herb, in county court, claiming he continues to make harassing telephone calls to the Ostergaard residence.
Wanita Young said, "This has turned into quite a fiasco. It's something that never should have happened and it's just devastating. My phone hasn't stopped ringing. My life has been threatened and I'll probably have to move out of town."
First of all, I just have to ask: what the fuck is wrong with people? These were
cookies for crying out loud! And on top of that (and I know this may seem like a snipe on women, but I assure you it isn't) she has a husband! If she was that damned scared, why didn't she ask him to go check it out?
And no shit it has turned into a fiasco,
by your own choosing!