Originally Posted by daswig
And why can't you marry property? Isn't the case that you can't marry property simply because the law states that you can't? Doesn't the law also state that marriage is between one man and one woman? So if you're changing the law on one part, why can't you change the law on the other part too? It seems like you're arguing the sanctity of the law (which states no marriage to property) on one part, and the non-sanctity of the law (which states no marriage between same-sex couples) on the other part. Isn't that a contradiction in your argument?
Like I said before, this is about homosexuality. I indulged your argument becuase it seemed like the right thing to do, but I still believe that the homosexual mariage issue should be argued of it's own merrits. You can marry your toaster if you want, but this is about homosexuality. The opposite of your argument can be just as interesting. If homosexuals cannot marry, why can Filipino people marry? Why can people under 25 marry? Why can anyone marry? It's too open ended and it eventually only serves to distract from the subjecxt at hand.