Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Ability to consent. Dogs don't have it, corpses don't have it, inanimate objects don't have it, and it's generally agreed that children don't have sufficient maturity to take in fully what they'd be consenting to.
Ability to consent? What if the person leaves their mortal remains to the potential spouse for the purposes of necrophelial marriage? What if the child's guardian consents to it for them? What if the child's guardian is the person seeking to marry the child? What about cultures where the societal norm is for girls to wed in arranged marriages between the ages of 7 and 10 years old? You say inanimate objects can't give consent...does that mean that a person who uses a sex toy is raping it? Or that a person who has sex with an animal is raping the animal, despite the fact that legally the animal is property?