Originally Posted by daswig
So where would the line recognizing marriages be drawn? Polygamy? Necrophelia? Pedophelia? Bestiality? Sock and hand puppets? Fark had a thread not too long ago about a woman who came home to find her husband having sex with the family canine. It was reported that what upset her the most was that her husband said he loved the dog more than he loved her. Should he be free to marry the dog?
It's one thing to say "live and let live" in the libertarian sense, but once you get into the government recognizing it, problems are presented.
Perhaps we should tackle this one equality at a time. This thread isn't about beastiality, polygomy, or incest. I can see why someone might say, "When will it go too far?", but those things are arguabally much farther away from the norm than homosexuality. Obviously beastiality, pedophilia (outside of parental permission), necrophilia, and sock puppets are out considering that both members cannot enter into a contract. Polgamy is another thread, but I suppose that that and this are not completly dissimilar, though they are far from the same.
This needs to be argued on it's own merrits, not by trying to associate it with socially unacceptable behavior like necrophilia or beastiality.