Interesting that there was no reaction by the anti "democrat party" posters to my referenced (Washington Post is one of three national
"newspapers of record") posts that detail Bush's true intention.
Bush destroyed the tax revenue flows that were in place when he took office
four years ago. Bush demonized inheritance taxes, for example, by spinning that
very necessary tax, judging by the fact that with it in place, the top two
percent of wealth holders still increased their portion of total national wealth
from less than fifteent percent in 1970, to thirty three percent by 2003,
renaming it the "death tax", and then repeating that phrase over and over.
Bush's latest "Goebbels like" schtick, is to correct anyone who, in his presence,
refers to Bush's "plan" as privatization of SS, or to private accounts; he
has been programmed to reflexively tell one and all to call them "personal
It is pathetic that the only thing Bush can contribute is to parrot the result
of Karl Rove's favorability polling, playing word games to get this done.
Bush does not want his legacy to result in what will happen if he doesn't
get this done. He took office with Roosevelt's original SS (retirement security)
plan requiring only the repayment of the money that the federal government
had borrowed from the SSA surplus since the 1940's. The tax structure was
in place in early 2001 to make it possible to collect this money owed to
SSA without large federal borrowing. SSA would have had enough money
in it's trust fund to pay most benefits for 60 to 70 years!
The money owed to SSA was entirely from contributions of 6.2 percent of
all wages earned, matched by equal 6.2 percent contributions from each
wage earner's employer. Self employed people payed in the entire 12.4 percent themselves. Bush and his "advisors" knew that the federal government had an obligation to pay SSA nearly $2 trillion in funds and
interest the federal gov. had borrowed, and it chose to drasticallly, but
"temporarily" cut taxes, instead. Bush wants tp make those tax cuts permanent now. The only way to do that is to default on paying back the
money that the federal government had borrowed from SSA surplus
contributions. Thos contributions were made by you and by your employer.
SSA only has expenses of one percent to administer benefits, including
retirement benefits and disability and survivors benefits.
In the mid 1990's SSA was made an independent entity, much like any
private enterprise. It is owed this money. Bush's plan includes defaulting
on paying back the SSA, to preserve his tax cuts that primarily benefit the
rich, and have glaringly not resulted in the huge creation of jobs that he
had predicted. The national media has not bought into Bush's new wealth
redistrubution scheme, so he has taken his propaganda apparatus to small
town America. Buy his Bush Shit at your own peril. One result is that
Brokers will charge 5 percent of principle to "invest" your money for you !
Last edited by host; 02-05-2005 at 11:37 AM..