Lots of them... Music is one of my biggest hobbies/obsessions... I absolutely love music and typically playing guitar or listening to music is used as a release from whatever crap's going on in my life. Here are a few examples of songs that are more significant in the emotions department though -
Pearl Jam has Black, about a tough breakup where he feels everything has turned to black... "And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything... all the pictures had all been washed in black, tattooed everything..." and "I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star... in somebody else's sky but why... why... why can't it be... can't it be mine?"
There's also Pearl Jam's "Man of the Hour" from the Big Fish soundtrack... "Because the man of the hour has taken his final bow... and as the curtain comes down, I feel that this is just... goodbye for now..." My girlfriend's dad died last May, and I heard this song not too long afterward and I cried like a damn baby. "My Immortal" by Evanescence was another song that I couldn't listen to after that happened, because it was just so sad.
Linkin Park's "Numb" hits me sometimes, because I can't tell you how many times I've felt that way.
Staind's "Epiphany" is pretty emotionally powerful... as are a good 50% of their songs. Aaron Lewis is a pretty damn good singer and songwriter, and it comes through in his lyrics and the emotion he pours into his music, especially on stage. "Spleen" is a song that is basically heavy as fuck... totally bitter, angry, and pissed off with a really good buildup, soft part near the end then a huge ending... It's the song I listen to when I'm uber uber UBER pissed off and need to calm down. People that know me know that if I pop in that CD or mp3 or whatever and go straight to it, I need to be left alone... but it helps a ton.
I usually wouldn't say this one, but we had a friend that committed suicide (shot himself) not too long ago... and the next night I heard "Hey Man, Nice Shot" by Filter and had to leave the room... I like it, good song and all, but terrible timing.
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." - George Bernard Shaw