In this "anything goes" Christianity, is there anything at all about your actions that sets you apart from the "heathens", other than professing to be a Christian?
In my experiences, Christians are human with temptations and blemishes like the rest of us. However, they have something that non-Christians do not. They have the Bible and Christ's forgiveness to support their choices. When I went to church, the preacher would not help a lady being hit by her husband in church. There were men who were having affairs, but attending church next to their family like nothing was amiss. There were the local drunks who would always be at church hung-over the next day. I think that these types of people use the church as a reassurance that they are 'good' people. People view God's forgiveness as an eraser that lets them start again fresh. Why else would so many criminals become self-professed Christians hours before execution?
Now, I know that not all Christians are like this.
Another thing is that the Bible is opened to interpretations. Just as in a previous post, the words and situations in the Bible can make any action all right. Even though adultery is a sin, God overlooked it because Sara couldn't get pregnant. So her husband was permitted to sleep with a servant so he could have a child. If I looked hard enough I could probably find a quote that would could be interpretted as sleeping and eating is evil. I think that you have to live life for what you think is right and if you think you have really messed up you can always ask for forgiveness at your death bed and everything will be erased.