All I really have to say is.....I've never claimed to be perfect, God does not expect perfection from me. I believe he expects me to treat people the best I can. The bible is not literal, I look at it as a reference book....stories and parables written by man about their own personal struggles with god. Lots of us could right a book like that.
I could most certainly write a huge book on my life and how I have seen god work in it and If I put a "christian" stamp on it, I dont think it would be that much different. I dont lie, I dont steal, I dont manipulate, I do my best to help my fellow man, I try not to be selfish. I try to be accepting of other people in their ways. I dont see how thats so different from what Christ did....he associated with the "sinners" he didnt keep himself hidden away proclaiming IM THE MOST PERFECT PERSON IN THE WORLD, other people did that for him....same as you might say something similiar about someone in your life. He had his time of doubt, he had his time when he questioned god....same as I do. So by my definition I dont think Im so far from "christ like"
No one is perfect, no one will ever be perfect, Since the days of adam and eve god has known how man is...he made us....I truely truely believe what he wants from us to to be tolerant of others and their belief's, to help our fellow man, and to be good to one another. I do not believe wine and cigarettes and a naked picture here and there are gonna keep me out of heaven. I believe hyposcrisy would....I do not tell people you should/shouldnt do something from a "god" stand point....what they do and how they live their life is between them and their particular "higher power" If the "heathens" were good enuff for Christ to associate with, break bread with, talk to etc, they its good enuff for me.