"Christians" and the TFP
A recent post by a member about "finding god" elicited a slew of responses by several self-proclaimed Christians. Now some of these people also frequently post expletive laden posts, hateful/angry posts, pornographic/sex posts, about being drunk/doing drugs, etc, etc.
So I have some questions about this.
1) Now I have been made aware (with a bit of hostility) that some "Christians" here believe that the Bible is not an accurate representation of the facts. So this may contribute to a different view of "sins" than mainstream Christianity holds. If this is so, why identify onself as part of a group that the general populace believes has a different set of standards and rules than what you believe? Is there such an overwhelming need to be a part of an established "name"?
2) In this "anything goes" Christianity, is there anything at all about your actions that sets you apart from the "heathens", other than professing to be a Christian?
3) For those that do believe in a more literal translation of the Bible, how do you justify regular participation in topics that, at the very least, are extremely un-Christ-like?
P.S. Before somebody says "Do a search, this topic was already discussed", I am not interested in what somebody had to say about this a year ago, I want to know what they think today.
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