Game Installation Problem
Ok, I'm on a Compaq Presario, running windows xp home, with service pack 2. I've also got Panda Platinum Security installed.
The problem is occuring when I try to install The Sims 2. I know the computer can run it, it has had the game on it before(I had to re-format the hardrive, got a virus when the comp didn't have protection). Now whenever I try to install it, a notice pops up immediatly saying that setup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. I checked the surface of the disc and it looks ok, it shouldn't have any problems, I loaded the game onto my laptop(XP pro) a few months ago and it worked fine. I have tried turning off the Panda program but it still gives me the error. Is it a conflict with SP 2? Any help is appreciated.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.