I agree withthat, Nova and Frontline are fantastic. And what would kids do without sesame street? Jim Lehrer is ok too, i catch that from time to time and the discussions seem ok.
When I'm elected president in 2020 my first order will be that the FCC be disbanded. Next will be the DoE, with proposed scholarship plan to replace it. Sweeping tax changes if Bush doesnt beat me to it. And the proposed removal of any anti-gay amendments to the constitution if needed. The war on drugs will be ended (marijuana and, more importantly HEMP will be legalized, along with many many other drugs. *pause for applause*), and the scheduling of drugs will be compltely revamped or trashed completely. This will only be the first 5 minutes.
So in the future if any of you see a presidential candidate with the first name of Casey you had better vote for him. If you don't I will arrive at each of your houses individually and make you eat yourself with a spork and butter knife. You may have your choice of condiment.
We Must Dissent.