We have been getting oil from Iraq. They have to pay for the reconstruction somehow. We blew up a lot of buildings/roads/etc and we sure as hell aren't gonna pay to have them rebuilt. It's taken a while for them to get it all set up again, especially since there were terrorists blowing up oil related things for a short time a little while ago (not to mention saddam himself ordering it.. the US tried to stay clear from bombing oil related sites, but some were damaged during the invasion anyway.)
While Israel chose to not enter the war for fear of retaliation by the arab community, I'm sure they had a lot to do with the reasoning behind the invasion.
As for this ad being posted i couldn't care less. It's all free speech to me. If the guy wants to waste his money to put that stuff in the paper then i say let him. If it makes people upset, oh well. There's billions of people out there in the world, each with their own view. If you're gonna get pissed off about everything someone says that you dont agree with you're gonna be one angry motherfucker.
We Must Dissent.
Last edited by ObieX; 02-04-2005 at 11:59 AM..