NCB & The_Dunedan
I couldn't agree more. Education used to be that way until Carter bowed under pressure (there isn't enough disdain around here for Carter--he started a whole bunch of messes that we are still dealing with today).
Anyway, while you are at it, we need to do something with the NEA as well.
How about cutting funding to the DoE and trying something new? Funding isn't the problem as we spend more than any other country, our problem is where the money goes. Maybe some type of spending allowance that offers raises/promotions/bonuses directly to the teachers and bypasses all of the educrats, almost like a stipend. That way, the people who deserve more, get it.
I also think each school district should have an advisory panel for all budgetary matters (including salaries for non-teachers) that involves parents that have children in said school district.