Originally Posted by jonjon42
why don't us christians edit out the homicidal portions of the bible...
I don't think the religions are that different. I still here stories of people beating the crap out of other people for being gay.
That's actually a rather recent development. Until recently, nobody thought homosexuality was anything other than deviance. That's why until the DSM-IV came out, homosexuality was officially classified as a mental disorder.
Now, let's take the crucifixion's "blood libel". For centuries, that was used as a religious bludgeon against the Jews. But that has basically gone away in modern times with regards to mainstream Christianity. In time, the anti-gay "justifications" in the Bible will also be weeded out as homosexuality becomes more widely accepted. In the Old Testament, there's a lot of stuff that modern Jews no longer believe, either. If Islam did the same thing, I think a lot of people would have a lot fewer problems with it.