Originally Posted by willravel
Yearg!! This is the best Bond news that's come out in over a year!!!! No one cares?
Yearg!!! Just found the thread
I'm glad that Bond is safe for a while longer. I've always liked Brosnan, but I think he came into the Bond game a bit too late. It's a shame he was stuck with mediocre writing, bad directing and came on right after the Timothy Dalton fiasco/crap.
I think the only responsible choice is Clive Owen. He's on the cusp, in my opinion at least, of being too big to be James Bond. He's not all that well known aside from that horrible, horrible King Arthur movie to the vast majority of the public. I think Bond needs some fresh young blood and unless they can find some terrific unknown actor, Owen is the best choice.
As an aside....
It would be a shame if they took Q away. I'm extremely happy Colin Farrell turned it down. I just can't seem to stomach this guy in any movie. (Phonebooth, The Recruit, Alexander *shudders) Anyway Farrell as Bond would have been painful to watch as I am an avid Bond fan.