Go ahead.

I don't mind. I am the type of person that takes 8 or 9 friends of completely different interests, put them in a social situation, and the conversations we have jump everywhere. It does not matter as long as it kept light hearted and no huge arguments unfurl.
Evolution was part what I had originally figured someone would reply with, hoping someone loved
X-Men as much as I did. I still though believe that there is some unaccounted for part of our being. I believe that it was in
The Stand by King (the unedited version is the one I read, incase you read this and go "No that wasn't!") where the characters discussed about human potential. Looking through history one finds that it was filled with large components of magic and mysticism, things that now-a-days I even find laughable and ludicrous. The answer is that we let such talents wither because no one needed them anymore--the inventions by those who
could not access that power removed it.
I have witnessed things and even preformed things that I can't explain with logic. Predicting one or two things of the next day is usual for people. But accurately guessing someone's life as I have done with people that I meet face to face for the first time is something that even scares me. How does it make the other person feel now? Coincidence and good guessing does not explain detailed histories of people by talking to them about unrelated things.
This is just another aspect of what I am wishing anyone to reply with. What is some talent, gift, power, what have you, that we have that defies what we deem as normal reality.