Pretty amazing that this thing ever got into their paper in the first place. Some editor actually looked at this crap and accepted it for publication? Oh well, I guess an apology makes everything all right.
The Washington Times has apologized for running an anti-Semitic advertisement last month. The newspaper, however, has not yet printed an apology in its pages. In a letter to the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington, Times vice president and general manager Richard Amberg Jr. said he was sorry "both personally and on behalf of The Washington Times" for the "offensive ad that appeared on Jan. 20.
The advertisement was headlined "President Bush, May The Lord Jesus Christ Bless You and Guide You In Your Second Term," but continued, "However, do not continue to allow those folk of the anti-Christ to influence you and/or control you. Israel and her Zionists are not a friend to Christianity, Christians or Christ!"
The ad also said: "Don't ever forget, the Iraqi war is Israel's war paid for by the death of Americans -- and the next generation's financial security." The ad is signed "In Christ, Stan Rittenhouse," and promotes a book Rittenhouse wrote titled Fear of the Jews.