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Old 02-03-2005, 12:33 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Originally Posted by Zen_Tom
go somewhere else
Thanks for the advice. Does it really upset everyone so much that I don't agree with you that I have to leave?

Originally Posted by Yakk
Huh? You are saying that Bill, back in the early 80s, could have taken his money, put it in a bank, and said 'abrakadabra', and ended up being worth 10s of billions of dollars now?
That's just about what Bill did. Do you really think that Microsoft succeeded because of Bill? No, he was in the right place at the right time. He hired other fuckers to do things to keep him rich. He made a few head of state type decisions that could have easily gone either way, and now he's rich.

Originally Posted by Yakk
So, if you removed all intellectual property rights, nobody would write Windows. The motive wouldn't be there.
Why wouldn't the motive be there? Assuming for the moment that windows fills some purpose, that it actually does something, like make access to porn easier, then the motive would be to fill that purpose. If enough people want access to porn, then people will make software that gets them access to porn. No, they won't do it to make money, they'll do it because they really want to access porn. If they don't need the new OS, which is only being made and sold to make money, regardless of whether or not it's needed, then they won't make it and people won't have to pay up another $100 every 2 years.

Originally Posted by Yakk
There are benefitial side effects to intellectual property. It provides motivation to do something. Even if you don't think IP is a good idea, can you even admit that there could be some small benefitial side effects, or would that infringe upon your dogma?
I don't think there are any beneficial side effects that exceed the negative effects of IP.

Originally Posted by Yakk
Bill Gates gets money from three things. First, his direct productivity (probably a small contribution). Second, his massive capital accumulation. Third, directing the use of capital, which in the past he has shown to be good at. (where good means 'making capital grow')
Bill Gates gets money because we pay him. He doesn't directly control anything that we have to pay him for. If he died tomorrow Microsoft would keep right on going, none the worse for wear. He's not an essential part of the process, rather, he sits atop it all and oversees, collecting his money.

Originally Posted by Yakk
So, taxes are the entirety of this giant conspiracy to keep wages low? Heh.
Not at all! The other poster asked for proof of how the man keeps wages low. It's hard to prove corruption and influence, but I pointed out that taxes are a very real and verifiable method of determining that somebody's taking your money.

Originally Posted by Yakk
We could to insane things like model shit. Or we could do experiments. Or we could look at situations where it doesn't apply. You know, actually figure it out.
I see, so you've figured it out have you? Well, I apologize for having quetioned you.

Originally Posted by Yakk
Patent law is only somewhat different in Canada than the USA.
Yeah but the drug companies are located in the US, and no offense, but the US is a larger market than Canada. That's why the US government is so gung-ho about getting China to cooperate in IP law protection.

Originally Posted by Yakk
I'm just boggled. You don't understand why road transportation networks are useful even? *boggle*
I understand why it's useful to be able to travel, but I also understand that most of those road networks are designed to get people to and from work.

Originally Posted by Yakk
Lets consider a situation...

You need to learn how to both add and subtract.
I think this analogy is close, but here's a more accurate one:

In one, someone steals your car. He leaves $1 on the sidewalk.

In the other, someone steals your car. He leaves $50 on the sidewalk.

They're both fucking assholes, one may be slightly less of a fucking asshole, but they're both fucking assholes.

Originally Posted by Yakk
In the final analysis, they actually do. It is just a very extreme response that you can eventually reach.

Lets say you don't recognize the right of the government over you. So you don't pay taxes.

They send bills at you. You ignore them.

Eventually, they attempt to sieze your assets.
And throw you in jail. Tax evasion is a crime, they don't just send bill collectors after you (at least here in the US).

Originally Posted by asaris
violence is the FIRST resort of the mafia. If you don't pay, they'll burn down your store/shoot your dog/whatever
Depends on which gang you've got in your neighborhood. Some will threaten you at first, then you'll lose a shipment of alcohol, then some hoods will beat you up, then they'll burn your place down.

But Ok, I suppose that's another midling difference between the government and the mafia, the government is slower. So it's bigger, better organized, but a little slower. You know what, you're right, they're completely different.
You know something, I don't think the sun even... exists... in this place. 'Cause I've been up for hours, and hours, and hours, and the night never ends here.
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