Mojo, yes - I watched it - and found it repellant.
However, it's their culture - those are their laws, and who are we to judge them? Those laws are in place for a reason, and people choose to break them at their own peril. We execute people too, for different reasons, but again who are we to say what is significant or insignificant?
Plenty of blacks were killed in the South states for what reason? Being black. That's something that was going on a lot closer to home, and carried out by people (in positions of authority) who are still alive today.
There is state sanctioned incarceration and interrogation by UK and US governments - (I wouldn't be surprised if ugly things happen in some of those places too) they are just more (or less?) carefull about who gets to bring a video camera along.
My point is that people are and always have been capable of doing ugly, disgusting, vile and sickening things - it's nothing to do with someone's political, religious or national affilliation.
I just hope/pray that under stress, none of us would act in ways that we might find difficult to justify in the cold light of reason.