Originally Posted by Asaris
Are you a citizen? Then you've given the government permission to take your money.
How have I given permission? If I did, I didn't mean to, and I hereby revoke such permission. Let's see what happens come payday.
Originally Posted by Asaris
And the difference is that, while the mafia throws a little back, the gov't throws a lot back. Sure, congresspeople/the president make a good bit of money.
They throw back very little as far as I see. You seem to think that social security, welfare and defense are throwbacks, these projects are where they make their money! This is where they give jobs to their friends, embezzle boatloads of money, get kickbacks and outright bribes.
Originally Posted by Asaris
And last time I checked, the gov't doesn't threaten people with violence if they don't pay taxes. Sure, they'll fine you and/or put you in jail, but you make it sound like you'll be shot if you don't pay up (which is what the mafia does).
Being forcibly taken to prison is a violent act. And the threat that's always behind the cops' authority is that they'll shoot you if you get out of line.
Originally Posted by Asaris
Perhaps I should ask what would make a just government, on your picture?
As small a government as possible. I wouldn't like paying the mafia, but at least they keep the other gangs in line, so if they only asked for a small amount I wouldn't object at all. But demanding at least 1/3 of my salary is too much.
Originally Posted by Asaris
So we have government, to protect us from people who would want to take advantage of us.
What do you do when the government is run by the people who want to take advantage of you?