Originally Posted by Xiangsu
I think its so funny how you guys jump to conclusions about the incident. No one on here knows JACK SHIT about what really happened. For all you know she is telling the truth and to call her a lying whore is stupid. I'm sorry, but its just not fair to her. Even if in the end Snoop Dog wins the case, that doesn't mean that he didn't do it.
Sounds like you are jumping to the other conclusion and assuming he DID do it with that last statement.
The whore statement I agree was a bit strong but stuff like this happens all the time. Famous guy gets accused of rape, he didn't do it, it comes out that the girl was trying to get paid and so on and so forth. Snoop has women around him all the time and if he wanted some booty he could get it. I just don't think Snoop would be that stupid or power tripping enough to drug and rape some make up artists when he could go into any club in the city and get 10 girls to do whatever he wanted at the drop of a hat.