Don't rush it.... you are still young. You can wait until you are out of school. That way you will at least be able to support the little one. I personally would not worry about the house thing. We did not have our house until right before our second child was born. But for me, the education was important.
I do know people who have to feel everything is in order before they even considered a child. My sister in law and her husband were this way. They waited for things to be in "order". And she was thirty two before her first. They are perfectly happy...
You both can find another way to get your "baby fix".
And until you both feel you are ready. I would wait.
She might constantly say she wants children, but this might mean she doesn't want them now. She might realize this is one of the biggest commmitments you can make in your life. It's important to you, and she keeps dropping hints that she is willing to have this child with you. Just that she does not feel ready yet.
Be patient young Jedi... you have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy it while you can!
Disco Duck...