Originally Posted by irateplatypus
1) implying that all people are similarly equipped to find truth.
2) asserting that their own pursuit of truth is better than all others.
I believe that most pagans (or anyone seriously seeking truth and enlightenment on their own after discarding the precepts of organized religion) believe that all people are similarly equipped to find truth.
The easiest way to defend this is to point out that most of the pagans I know are the most open to someone else's differing way. I know that I myself, as well as most of my friends, understand that there are as many different paths to truth as there are people to follow them. Faith and religion are not one-size-fits-all endeavor, otherwise there wouldn't be so many different interpretations of the same scripture and dogma.
I assert that my own pursuit of truth is better than all others
for me. I think that most pagans will agree that the reason they set out to find truth their own way is because no one else's way fit them in a way that felt right. Ultimately, the search for truth is a highly individual journey, and the way to find it is specific to each person who searches.