Originally Posted by filtherton
All the proof i need of the theory that sexual orientation isn't learned is in my own mind. I know i don't like men. I know that i couldn't one day decide to like men. I do not have a choice in this, i've tried to envision myself enjoying cock and it just doesn't amount to anything more than a shudder. I do have a choice when it comes to actually trying to have sex with men, but not a choice in whether i would enjoy it as much as sex with a lady. Perhaps you're different in this respect. Can you explain why anyone would subject themselves willingly to the heaping helping of scorn that is reserved for homosexuals by much of america? If you had the choice to be oppressed, would you choose it?
If you see the family unit's purpose as one mainly of child raising, than how would that be grounds to exclude gay couples from the financial benefits predicated on this assumption of child rearing? Homosexuals raise children just as well as hetero couples.
But the problem with basing it on what someone personally feels is that you don't know if it's something that they accquired or was born with. You need scientific data. I can't see myself enjoying lima beans. I can eat lima beans, but I can't enjoy them. Same goes for country music, I can't stand it. Neither gives me special status.
And there are numerous reasons someone would subject themselves to scorn or mistreatment. For one (something that happens with many minorities) if you fail at a task, you have a instant excuse-bigotry. And for the same scorn recieved, there are many people who have great sympathy for gays. You also gain special status, you are instantly outside the norm which people often find apealling. You instantly gain your own subculture and support network. Honestly, there's numerous reasons why people do inflict suffering on themselves; many times they have some psychological makeup which doesn't translate it to the same suffering others see it as.
And also, it's still debated if homosexual couples do raise children as well as regular couples. Again, i find it hard to believe that the best home for a child doesn't contain a mother and father, but that's still being debated. And those children don't come from a union of the couple, they are from outside marriage or a lab.