I was baptised Catholic, received the sacrament of Communion in the Catholic Church, went to Catholic School every Sunday for 2 hours for years, and last year I was finally Confirmed. I go to Mass every week with rare exception.
When I was a kid I didn't really enjoy going to church that much. Now I have really learned to be proud of being a Catholic, and while I still don't really enjoy sitting through 10:30 Mass as much as I would enjoy sleeping in on Sunday morning, I feel like I get something out of it.
I have a Rosary in my desk drawer, a pin of Saint Matthew (my name) my Grandmother gave me, and little remenants hanging on my shelf from my first Communion and my Confirmation. I am not a hardcore bible thumper... Catholics tend to be more reserved I have noticed. We are much more spiritual than other Christion faiths and less... "vocal" I guess you could say. We like people to join our faith, but we don't go knocking on peoples doors.
In all, I appreciate and like the Catholic Church. We are very traditional, and I feel proud to be a part of that tradition. I plan on, when I someday have kids, raising my children similar to how I was raised in the Church. It, in my opinion, teaches good morals and values that I feel are important in a healthy upbringing.