Well CSflim I hope that you understand that I was not sarcastic when I created this thread's title. The titled this "Wake Up From Reality" because nothing is or was worth while in this world that did not make someone go "Hmmm." But I imagine that you at first glance said "What?" and shut off your creativity from there. I don't mind but it was rather pompous just to come in here and make a mockery of it and me. I didn't say "you all are my toys." I said, "Is our brain capable of understanding this 'higher' existence?"
And thank you Suave for replying so. This is a thread to question the nature of our own reality. Like ObieX said, we are "too busy" with the dull, boring, monotonous motions of our day to day life that we don't stop and look around and ask, "How is this real?" or "Why is this?" It was people that questioned their world that leaps of technology and ordered thinking came about.
To be curious about the world is to delve deeper to its hidden secrets... Who is to say that when on does realize that this is real BUT something else is just beneath it, would not feel just like waking inside a dream?
And something ObieX said intrigues me.
Originally Posted by ObieX
And it always seems that the harder i try to do things in a lucid dream the more likely i am to wake up from it.
I don’t get that. I receive complete control, without restriction, when I begin to dream lucidly. But I "feel" the different parts of my conscience working to create new elements in the dream without my control. It is like seeing through my eyes but existing behind myself looking at the other thoughts I didn’t realize I was having.
Once I awake from that dream, I cannot recall the same feeling that I had when in control. But, the more I try to recall that feeling in my waking life the more invigorated I feel. I could do things that I never thought physically possible of myself. When I recall that sensation I feel more alive. I don't even think drugs could do that for me.
Anyone else know of that feeling right after a lucid dream? That is the thread I posted, this is the conversation I wished for, and hopefully there will be an answer that invokes another question. If nothing else, have fun when you lucid dream.
Sleep tight.