I'm sitting here and laughing at how absoltely absurd this thread has become. I mentioned that many people have outdated information about Macs (aka, misinformed) and one of the very next messages mentions you can't buy a game that has been available for the Mac.
In the end, this whole thing comes down to personal preference, your quest for value, and your pocket book. This discussion will never end if people keep coming up the same three comments (you can't expand a Mac, you can't find software X, and there's no games).
Whatever you peeps want to argue about, at least get the facts straight before you start typing.
No disrespect, but really now...
I run Azereus on Mandrake and Mac. I run Gimp on Mandrake and Mac. I run Photoshop on Windows and Mac. I run MS Office on Mac, Windows and OpenOffice on Mandrake. I can run Quicken/Quickbooks on Mac.
For the love of god, what obscure pieces of software are the majority of Windows people using that won't run on the Mac. PLEASE - DON'T ANSWER! It's only my inner dialogue trying to find peace.