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Old 02-02-2005, 03:15 PM   #18 (permalink)
Wehret Den Anfängen!
Location: Ontario, Canada
MS, don't mix attacks in with my posts willy nilly. If you do so, can you attribute them at least?

EDIT: Clarification: In your post, you included a quote by someone doing an ad homium attack, right next to quotes by me, with no indication they came from other people.

Originally Posted by Master_Shake
And the man isn't entitled to anything then either. But yet he takes it from me, how is that justified?
You speak of 'the man' as some being that means something. For the most part, people own that shit.

And, for the most part, the people who own that shit did things for other people to get that shit, or had ancestors who did the same.

Originally Posted by Master_Shake
No, you told me the product was worth $4, and that this guy is keeping $3 of it to pay me $1. I do all the work and this guy sits back and watches. Maybe that's not slavery, but it's fucked up.
Yes. I said the best you could get elsewhere was 0.50$.

The product was worth 4$.
The dude would pay you 1$.

Clearly you can't make the product and make 4$, or your best offer otherwise would be self-employment at 4$. Econ 101 here.

That dude has something (be it a factory, an idea, or a marketing department) that makes your labour generate a product worth 4$.

So, you can work for 0.50$. This is the best you can do.

Along comes a dude. The dude offers you a job for 1$.

It turns out that your 1$ in labour generates 3$ of profit for the dude.

Are you happy to take the job? Did the dude exploit you? Was the exploitation a bad thing?

Sally, your next door neighbour, would take the job for 0.75$. However, Sally's output would only give the dude 2.50$ in profit (after all expenses).

How much is the job worth?

But we don't have market capitalism. When your labour is undervalued because the man chooses to pay you less and when the government takes more money out of what you earn, how can you possibly claim that is capitalism?
What do you think capitalism is? They pay you as little as they possibly can. You earn as much as you possibly can.

The value of your labour is what you can get paid for it. That is how value is determined under market capitalism.

This word value you use, how do you calculate it?

Right, and our system solves this problem by putting the means of production into the hands of a few,
The concentration of capital seems to be a side effect of market capitalism. To some, this is just. Others believe that this effect should be balanced with wealth redistribution.

who take their property by force, who enforce their laws designed to prevent people from competing with them, and who dictate the terms of use of that property as a cartel does.
You believe there is a giant government and corperate conspiracy to keep wages low?

You sure believe that the 'bad guys' are competent!

Second, the existance of companies such as "Microsoft", which overthrew IBM in a huge number of markets, sort of disproves your point. This 'man' you are afraid of, he does shitty work keeping people down.

Do you instantly become part of 'the man' once you economically succeed? Do they tell you the secret handshake?

Again, we don't live in a capitalist country. When the government and business are the same people, it's not capitalism.
Find me a definition from any dictionary (and not one written by a comedian) that supports your redefinition of the term Capitalism. Thank you.

Unless all the corporations get together and decide to restrict what they pay people.
Oh my god. You do think they are conspiring against you!

And when you get less than you put in by a significant margin, that's not an equal relationship.
Like I have said many times -- how wealthy would you be with no social infrastructure around you?

Ok, now how wealthy are you, after taxes, with this social infrastructure?

So, you are getting taxed more than you benefit how again?

Ok, so my 10 year old Taurus can be just as reliable as the rich guy's brand new Mercedes SL600 if I run it through a filter?
Nope. But they both get you from point A to point B. If you want to get your gut in a knot about how much richer someone else is, feel free. Just don't expect me to take such jealous complaints seriously.

I'll have to investigate that. Though why I have to move to escape such nonsense isn't clear. Would you tell a business owner that he should move to the suburbs because the mob is entitled to earn its money?
Because you are blaming the entire structure of society. I like having a modern state surrounding me, and there are more of me than there are of you.

I'm not an expert on the history of the software industry, but my understanding is that Bill did a few years of real work, stole some code from Apple, and used his contacts to take over the world. That hardly seems to justify continuing to pay him. The only reason anybody continues to pay him is because copyrights create intangible property that prevents others from using his code.
Then don't pay him. Write your own god damn operating system.

He dropped out of school, and him and his buddies put together an OS. He priced this OS really low. It also fit on a single disk, which was important. And it was for a computer system that was about to take off.

This made him money. Him and his friends took that money, and hired other people. They kept writing.

At a few points, Microsoft signed some contracts that where pretty anti-competative, but freely entered into by both sides. (example: every box you ship, you give MS 10$. But, you get to install DOS on any box. The normal price for an OS was about 30$. (prices are made up for this example))

This allowed Microsoft to massively increase market share. Then came windows, then came office, and things kept snowballing.

Microsoft's main advantage was the difficulties in making things compatable in the computer world, and economic network effects.

I have always been of the opinion that in a true capitalist system there would be no copyrights. Bill would not continue to receive money for an operating system he himself stole 20 years ago.
There would be insufficient economic incentive for creating intellectual property if there was no protection over it. Such an economy would be running at below maximium efficiency.

At the same time, I believe that the length of copyright has grown far too long.

It should charge what the market will bear. When the same corporation that makes the product makes it illegal to compete, that's no longer capitalism.
You can compete with Microsoft. Write your own OS. There are a few out there to start with. BSD includes one you can even take and sell, hiding the source code!

Read the works of
Incomplete sentance?

Please say 'Ann Rand'. I could use the laugh!

Then please define the term. In any capitalist model I know of the parties are assumed to be on equal footing, meaning that neither party has control of the government.
Strange. The economics I've studied didn't make that particular assumption. Possibly I missed that chapter.

Maybe that's not the case, and you have no problem with government agents assigning road projects to their friends. When the standard for job selection becomes nepotism instead of "lowest price, best quality" or something similar, then that's not capitalism.
I don't think that capitalism is all that holy in and of itself. I believe it should be used where appropriate. So, don't project your personal valuation of 'capitalism' onto me, please.

And if the government found out about it, they would throw you in jail. (or at least give you a big fine depending on how much you had)
First of all, the fact I can get it is an example of 'if you want it you can get it', which is what you where disputing, IIRC.

Second, no, the government wouldn't throw me in jail for smoking a joint. And the fine is pretty small.

Stop telling me what I should do. I thought I already made it clear that I've given up and I will give my money to the government, just as I would the mob. I am not courageous enough to fight it. All I'm trying to say is that I don't like it, and if another leviathan were to come along with a better deal I'd jump ship. I have no loyalty to those that steal from me.
Understood. I was just listing the various benefits you get from your taxes. You claimed you got less than you paid. I'm disputing that.

Maybe you are getting less out of it than someone else. But the amount it would cost you, personally, to generate the same features that government provides you, in the wilderness, is simply ridiculous.

If the whole system is corrupt than every dollar that goes to perpetuating it is lost to corruption.
Alright, I'll bite. Define 'corrupt' here?

Remember, I'm disputing that 100$ in government road-building could be done for 1$, with the remaining 99$ going to corruption. It was a simply ridiculous statement, as far as I can tell. For some odd reason, nobody believes that it is ridiculous.

So I'm waiting for somebody, anybody, to give some evidence that that statement isn't on Crack.

As for the leviathan -- the whale is useful, and helps me more than it hurts me.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.
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