it's why I love the navy. I've run into some great ones.
There was an SN (Seaman) Swallows.
One guy on ship had the last name of Minigoats. His rate.... IC2. They found a reason to page him over the 1MC almost every day. "IC2 Minigoats, please report to the bridge"
New a Master Chief Holder once. So at one point in his career, he was SN Holder.
Also, in Tucson Az, there is a Dr. Quack. No shit.
Went to school with an April May June as well.
And yes, there really is a Major Payne.
There is also a guy names Joe Marine, who joined, what else, the Marines.
Bad spellers of the world untie!!!
I am the one you warned me of
I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant.