Originally Posted by Paq
i believe it has been pointed out time and time again that most people who are online are more liberal thinking, hence the left swing of tfp, fark, etc, with a few very outspoken conservatives.
go to the colleges, takl to the people in person and you'll find a right wing swing to the students these days.
Actually, most colleges are still left-leaning politically. Although I did read in an article around two months ago that college campuses are moving conservative (at least in the student body, most faculty are still overwhelmingly leftist). And honestly, I don't see how anyone who really values truth and doing the right thing could oppose more diverse viewpoints on higher learning campuses.
I also don't think teachers should be blamed for this trend in students. Honestly, alot of people give lip service to teachers having all this influence, but when they try to exert it parents are oftentimes angered. I did a report on the differences between American and other western schools (along with Japan). And in the other societies teachers are expected to make suggestions to parents as to how they think a child is being raised. They are treated like child experts almost. Whereas alot of times in America if a teacher were to criticize someone's parenting, they risk getting punched. Until teachers are treated with more respect and given more esteem, it's hard to blame them for bad trends.