If you think about it, everything is made of the same stuff: empty space and "energy". If we can will this energy that makes up our bodies to move who's to say that we can't do it with other stuff if we try. The world we experience every day is an illusion created by our minds by way of signals from our senses. For all we know the world could really be all glowy like the end of the 3rd matrix, only we read it as "white" or "dog" or "whistle" or "cold". Stories of telekenetics and such may have some basis in fact, although from what i gather telekenetics would only be the tip of the iceberg with what this novel proposes.
Do I think that people can or could eventually (with some evolution or technology) manipulate reality like in a dream? I actually think it could be possible one day, if not already. There are many mysteries about our existance that people have yet to discover or are too "busy" to worry about. Doing the normal every day routines is more important than discovering the origins of all creation or the meaning of life or God.
I love lucid dreams. I have them VERY often, sometimes once or twice a week, and have been experimnting with them for many years now. I've taught myself to fly in them and do it pretty much every time lol. I just lift my feet off the ground and can hover. Flying any distance and at some speed does actually take some concentration though, its strange. And it always seems that the harder i try to do things in a lucid dream the more likely i am to wake up from it. I'm starting to branch out from just flying to controling the dream as a whole, from things like where it takes place to who's in it, and the events taking place. Just stating with that though so its difficult. I've got the hovering pretty much down to a science though, and flying is coming along nicely