Ah, the great IQ discussion.
Online IQ tests are not to be taken seriously. They are fun, but the scores are usually not normed and do not culminate into anything meaningful. Individually administered IQ tests (WISC-IV, SB-V, WAIT) are given by a psychologist and take 1-3 hours.
Being a graduate student in School Psychology, I've given my fair share of IQ tests to kids and adults. I've tested about 70 kids, and the highest IQ score obtained that I have come across was 132. My supervisor has given several hundred IQ tests, and the highest obtained score he has come across was 140. Not to say anyone is lying, but I am very skeptical when people tell me their IQ score is some outrageous number. Once you get past 145, your getting into lottery odds, ok maybe not that extreme, but you get the point.
Although the correlation is weak to moderate, IQ scores are the best single predictor that we have of later academic outcomes (Satler, 2001). So, IQ scores do have some validity for assessing learning aptitude.
Also, contrary to what have been said, IQ scores tend to stabilize the older a person gets, After 18, IQ scores are very level. IQ scores obtained by kids under 6 are very unstable (Sattler, 2001).