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Old 02-01-2005, 05:31 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Pennsylvania, USA
I don't care if you object to it, unless you are qualifying your definition of slavery to be "and, I don't object to it".
I was just trying to head off the implication that I am a communist, I'm not. The capitalist system is one thing, it's when the system is rigged to one side that I object. If you don't care about what I object to then why are you replying to me?

You work for other people, or you starve to death, in modern society. You can't support yourself. This, if you get anal about it, is slavery.
Again, it's only slavery when one party has all the power in the relationship. When two parties on relatively equal footing come to an agreement, that's one thing. When I am told I have to work to support rich people, that's involuntary servitude. In fairness, I suppose I'm not told I have to support rich people, I could always just die. But that was a choice the slaves had too.

How are you being told what to do?

For the most part, laws are property laws and harm-laws.

There are a pile of morality laws, ranging from drug laws on down -- are you talking about those? I find them regrettable and avoidable.

Or just tax law?
It's not even a question of laws, the system is rigged to ensure that the rich stay rich.

When you work, as a personal trainer, for a gym, the gym takes a cut of your pay from the people you train. Is the personal trainer a slave of the gym?
Assuming the personal trainer comes to the gym with options and consciously chooses to pay the gym, then no. When I am taxed by the government to support rich people, when my wages remain low so as to ensure the corporation that runs things makes even more money, and when my job consists of finding ways to hurt people to ensure the rich people retain their wealth then that is a relationship where one party has a lot more power than me. Just like the mafia demanding protection money, or the pimp demanding his cut.

A fixed tax says 'you must do X for us, or we put you in jail'. A marginal tax makes no such demands.
Unless you are forced to work in order to live (which you've already admitted we must do), then you are taxed according to how much you want to do for yourself. Your tax bears no relation to how much the government or the corporation provides for you, only to how much you work.

The people here before you own the land. Do you feel that you are owed the land simply because you where born near it or on it?
Yeah, tell that to the Native Americans. The people here before me stole the land from somebody else and you have the audacity to tell me it now belongs to them? Why? Because they have guns? Because they have money? They only own things because they say they do!

If you are exploited, and better off, is this evil? Ie, they offer you a job for 1$ an hour. They earn 3$ an hour. If they didn't offer you the job, you would be able to earn 0.50$ an hour. Now, is that exploitation evil?
I don't believe in good or evil, but if I'm doing $4 worth of work and the guy keeps $3 but does no work then that is a little fucked-up. Again, I'm not going to revolt against it, but I'm not going to cheer when that fucker buys a yacht.

Laugh, why would I care how expensive my vodka is?
It's my understanding that really cheap vodka doesn't taste nearly as good as some of the more expensive vodkas.

I make life easier for myself by living an easy life. I'm no porn star. I just don't bother needing shit.
That's great, sounds like you've got the system beat. I hope that makes it a little easier to fuck that wisconsin couple out of their insurance money. You wouldn't want to do a bad job and not have the corporation make money, would you?

I don't need to employ others, other than in the abstract: people already build roads for me, serve me food whenever I want it, and serve me when I need it. And it's cheap.
That's good that you've simplified your life. If it doesn't make you angry that others are profiting off your work then that's fine, more power to you. If you think it's a good thing to pay the mob protection money so that your shop doesn't get broken into, well that's fine. Your shop won't get broken into. And you're right, there's no point in getting upset that the gangsters sit around counting the protection money all day while you have to work an extra few hours per day to earn that money. After all, we're just stupid poor people who don't know what's best for us. We'd die if we were left on our own without the government or the mob. Thankfully the leviathan is there to protect us in exchange for 1/3 of our salaries.

I'd suspect anyone with any marketable skills has some power in every employment relationship.
Really? You can choose not to pay taxes or send money to the man? Don't you understand that it doesn't matter what shitty job you're working at, you are working to make other people rich.

Even in a democracy, you have your vote, which is a very small amount of power, but some power.
It's meaningless. When the game is rigged it doesn't matter who you choose. They're all there to fuck you!

You also have your voice, yet more power.
Right because the American populace responds so well to reasoned argument.

Lets start with one rich person. Bill Gates.

Now, the company he build does lots of not nice things. But it also works extremely hard to build a computer operating system that serves the needs of the people.
Exactly, Bill isn't doing the work, he's rich now. (It can happen, however rarely that people move up or down the ladder of wealth). Who's doing the work for Microsoft? Indian computer programmers earning a third of what American programmers would pay. Why pay them less, Windows doesn't cost any less than it used to? Where does that extra money go? Certainly not into building a better Operating System (not in relation to the price anyway). That money goes into Bill's pocket, who did very little work for all that money.

Lets take a less rich person. A random hollywood star. They spend their lives working on movies whose purpose is to entertain the masses.
Right, that keeps us sedated and docile so we don't get pissed.

Even people who just trade money generate information that makes the economy run smoother.
Great, now that we have a system we need people to make it run smoother, so we can have a great system, so we can make it run smoother...

I suspect your problem is you don't understand the mathematics of a well designed market capitalist economy.

And the west has reasonably well designed market capitalist economies.
When business and the government consist of the same people and both are out to take your money, that's hardly a capitalist economy.

How do you get rich? You provide something that many people want.
Or you just point a gun at their head and take their money. Enough with the provide something people want shit. People want marijuana, but the pharmaceutical industry works with the government to keep it illegal. That way people keep paying high prices for their painkillers.

Even people who just live off investments are doing that, in a small way.
And it doesn't hurt that the tax laws are written to enable and encourage such things.

Market Capitalism and Democracy are wonderful tricks to pull on the 'powerful'.
And if we lived in a capitalist economy or a democracy it might mean something. But since we live in a representative buearacracy that's in bed with the corporations it doesn't.

Neither are perfect. Anti-trust laws exist for this reason.
No, anti-trust laws work so that the rich people can crack down on businesses it doesn't like. It's got nothing to do with protecting people.

Freedom of Information acts to prevent corruption.
And what a bang-up job it's doing.

I think you massively misunderstand the level of corruption in modern western society.
It's tough to measure something like corruption, since by design it's unnoticable and hidden. But I know I pay money in taxes, and I don't receive nearly that much back in services. That money is going somewhere.

And enough with the roads make my life better. I only use the road to get to work, the only reason the government can justify spending money on roads is to ensure we all get to work to continue to make the man rich.
You know something, I don't think the sun even... exists... in this place. 'Cause I've been up for hours, and hours, and hours, and the night never ends here.
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