Ok, first of all, ditto on the Matrix in a Matrix.
Second, there was a lot presented to take in on just one sitting of the movie (especially the scene with the Architect), so my interpretation will most likely change as I see the movie again…and again.
The Architect talking about with the last set of choices that Neo has to make? I completely understand the decision that they've set in front of him, but why would they do that to begin with? Why give the humans however many people he said and give them a chance to rebuild? Maybe that would give the machines purpose, I don't know.
Here is my attempt at this one, assuming matrices: According to the Architect, Zion has been rebuilt 6 times (or 5, I don't remember, I also don’t remember if the Matrix was also reset each time). I think at some time there existed only one matrix and as long as everything works the way it supposed to, the humans don't know what is going on. Well, somewhere along the line "The One" realizes something is wrong, and what he does at this point, I don't really know. But the machines realize his awareness, and I'm guessing that his awareness spreads to other humans. At this point or somewhere along first, second or third resets, the machines realize that their plan isn't going to work. Their inability to mimic "the lack of perfection in the human world" is going to be their downfall, so they create a second Matrix layered below the first and allow those humans who find something wrong with "The Original Matrix" to wake up. Only they aren't waking up to the real world, they are waking up to the "The Second Matrix."
Ok, bear with me now, I might be grasping at straws here.
So, given enough time, humans start to realize the inconsistencies in the First Matrix, and are allowed to awake into the Second Matrix. Perhaps, given enough time existing in the Second Matrix, ("Wait, something’s different" -Neo) humans will become conscious of the Second Matrix. The machines again realize this, but instead of creating a Third Matrix, they create the Oracle, whose purpose is to guide The One to the Architect. If there is a Second Matrix, everything we have seen the first movie and second movie that takes place outside of “The Matrix” is actually predetermined. (Thus emphasizing the concept of a choice) If this is the case, then the dreams that Neo is having could actually be images the machines want him to see in order to lead him to the “choice” with the Architect. The Oracle knows everything because it’s her purpose to know everything, like she states. So to answer the question as to “why,” The reason is: If the Second Matrix is not reset, The One will become aware of it too. The interesting thing is, Neo for the first time in 6 other Neos (presumably) picks a different path, or at least we are lead to believe that he always picked the other door in the past, which would imply that there are choices…and the machines don’t control everything. Perhaps the machines are not capably of resetting The One’s mind completely, and 6 awakenings has lead his consciousness in a different direction, one that the machines did not see with the previous Neos.
I could ramble on and on, but I think I will stop for now. The one thing I have not developed a theory about yet, relating it to the theory of matrices, is what was Merovengian’s purpose? Has it been served? With the depths of this movie, I can’t imagine his character was added to just present the audience with an incite into “programs,” a means to get to the Key Maker, and a lead in to a very cool action sequence…
Anyway, things to ponder until I see the movie again…and yes, I think this movie was more than worth wait!