kutulu -
I think you got it right. I would call myself Catholic, but probably not as strict-down-the-line. Like many American Catholics, I have some issues with Church doctrine with regards to the modern world.
ANYWAY, I went to Catholic school for K-7 and high school, and found all of my experience remarkably progressive. I was raised in the SF bay area, which may have also affected my experience, but just the same, Catholicism for me was always remarkably accepting (considering). I'm not going to defend the Catholic Church on a lot of the BIG ISSUES, but I think that they are a good organization that is in a very difficult situation. They are attempting to bridge many generations and cultures, and are suffering in it. They are also obviously suffering from the misdeeds of a portion of their clergy (both the people who acted and those who concealed). But I am reluctant to give up on them. I think they have shown they can grow (Vatican 2), and I'd like to see that.
Getting back to the original point, if you think about the word "Christian," it seems to me that the definition is "one who believes in Christ." Of course what that means is pretty wide open. :-)
Phew.. I talk too much