Originally Posted by soundmotor
Flame cannot propagate through perforated tubes; again IIRC. This is the same type of arrestor you would see on old style, squatty metal gas cans. It doesn't matter if the flame is feeding on a gas or a liquid it will not pass on. The best bet would be to find an image of a WWII flamethrower arrestor and compare. Once in a great while, Numrich has nozzles for sale BTW.
If I recall my HS chemistry/science, you are correct in your assertion that "I'm not even sure that flashback is possible if the fuel line is 100% filled with fuel (ie, no oxygen for combustion). " I do not believe it is. However, using nitrogen as the propellant intuitively makes sense to me. Why not use a nitrogen tank from a paintball system?
I'll certainly look into the arrestor you described. If I can't find one, the way you described it made it sound like I could fabricate it, with some good technicals on it.
When you say Numrich has had nozzles, what exactly do you mean? Complete flamethrower gun assemblies?
Also, the paintball system sounds good, but a bigger cylinder sounds better. I'm not a paintballer, nor have I had much experience with compressed gas bottles. Would one of those small N2 paintball tanks have the volume to feed the flamethrower?